Saturday, January 14, 2012

I need help with economics question?

Should college football coaches be paid the same as college volleyball coaches? Should female basketball players in the Women鈥檚 National Basketball Association (WNBA) be paid the same as their male counterparts in the National Basketball Association (NBA)? What role should market forces and government play in determining such wages?

just the last one..

What role should market forces and government play in determining such wages?I need help with economics question?
That's really a subjective question and depends on your preference.

Do you prefer everyone to be paid the same regardless of the sport's popularity, or would you prefer the supply of athletes and demand from fans to determine the pay?I need help with economics question?
Government should never play a role in determining wages. Market forces are the only forces that should determine wages.

The wages are a function of the coaches value to the team. The gender of the coach, or the sport being coached, is irrelevant. What matters is how much money the coach can bring in, i.e. how many tickets can be sold.

If you have a coach (male or female) who does a fantastic job and creates a winning team and makes games exciting, that coach will sell more tickets, which means that that coach deserves a higher wage. If the coach, male or female, is a terrible one, people won't buy tickets and the revenue won't be there to pay them.

Wages should reflect performance. The details of the sport and the gender are irrelevant. Michael Jordan made millions because he was awesome and people wanted to see him play; he didn't make millions because he was male, or black, or from Chicago, or any of that. It was because he was AWESOME. If he were white, female, and from Alaska he would still have made the same amount of money, because he was AWESOME and sold tickets.

I hope that this helped.

Always remember, the market is what should determine wages, always and everywhere. When the government sets wages, this is called a "price control" and it leads to shortages. If the government set the wages of coaches, you would see a decline in the quality of coaching. This is evident anywhere that there are unions, which impose wage controls.

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