Thursday, January 19, 2012

Ugh, this black guy makes me so mad! How about you?

My neighbor...I can't believe the nerve of this guy. Here is what he does:

He works hard at his managment position

He maintains his home and yard wonderfully and easy has the best looking yard in the neighborhood.

He contributes regularly to his college alumni association and gets good seats at the home football games (probably because he paid for them with his well paying job).

He's big on family values, never cheated on his wife and only had 2 wonderful children by his wife (whom carries herself with class and dignity)

He believes in working for what you've got and not looking for hand outs.

He voted for McCain and thinks Obama is posion for the nation!!

The nerve of this guy for not fitting into the Democrat's ideal black man!!Ugh, this black guy makes me so mad! How about you?
Sounds like my type of a human being, works hard, has pride in owning his home.

My guess he is like me and wished that Alan Keyes had won the republican primary.

I worked with a black man that did everything that you described except he voted for Obama.

His reason for voting for Obama was to give a black man a chance, a choice that he now regrets.
I don't get it.Ugh, this black guy makes me so mad! How about you?
Some people vote their marginal tax rate instead of their conscience.
Eat cake.Ugh, this black guy makes me so mad! How about you?
Sounds like a model citizen to me. Libs would call him an Uncle Tom though
Wow! Except for the part about voting for McCain, this guy sounds an awful lot like Obama!:)
Good for him? I don't know what your driving at.......

Also what is a posion? oh, you fixed it. cool you can spell.

Fyi, Cake will clog your arteries and help drive up the cost of health care. Try jogging instead.
And yet, a GOP, tea-bagging Neoclown who doesn't even know your neighbor will look at him and say that he is a beneficiary of affirmative action. Go figure.
Doesn't matter what he does, to the left, he'll always be a "sell-out", "Race traitor", or "acting white" if he supports the right.
Sounds like my neighbor...I think ill go over and offer him a beer, hes a good man !
Does he talk to you when you are alone?

How long ago did he start appearing to you?

Is he friendly?

Does he ever tell you to do things you don't want to do?

What things does he ask you to do?

Is he there with you right now?
good for him he sounds like the Conservatives ideal black man along with the racist stereotypes of black men (i.e. they all cheat on their wives, are uneducated and lazy.)

How do you know he's never cheated on his wife by the way?
Er, you can correct me if I am wrong but isn't is usually Conservatives that label all black man as criminal welfare bums? I think your flappin your faceflesh at the wrong group.
only a far left weak charactered wingnut liberal is going to troll pretending to be a conservative and racist troll but still narcissistically correct their spelling. LMAO!!
I agree. That's great.

It's good to know that there are people out there with common sense.
wow it sounds like you can learn from him???
hes an uncle tom

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