Saturday, January 14, 2012

Problems with neighbours?

Despite having complained many times to the housing association that own the block of flats where I live,i still have problems with a bunch of scum good for nothing that live next door.In case they break my windows while playing football ouside my flat and I get injured can I take the Housing Association to Court? if yes,how does it work?Problems with neighbours?
first i would try like......... idk get a bigger fence or some thing if that doesn't work then do ur busniuss
Yes you can.

If you read your tenancy agreement that sets out the obligatiuons of the tenant and landlord.

Those obligations apply to the next-door scum good-for-nothings as to you.

If they are breaching the terms of their tenancy agreement (which they are) then you can demand the HA enforces those terms by eveicting them if necessary.

If the HA do not; you can take the HA to court because by faiing to comply with their obligation's to you (ensuring peaceful enjoyment of your property, for example) they are in breach of your tenancy agreement.

In other words, the HA is obliged, under the terms of their agreement with each tenant, to ensure that another tenant does not interfere with your tenancy rights, by breaching their own.Problems with neighbours?
You can call your local Cohen Ersey and see what info can they give you. I live in a duplex and the neighbors had a 3-4 year old daughter. She was very energetic and thumped and bumped and ran all through the house just about every hour on a daily basis and I had to listen to all of that racket. I wrote two letters to management and complained a third time and they told me to call the police...I wanted to get them in trouble for not doing anything to my neighbors for breaking the noise policy and I found nothing. Well I filled out a report form from the police and they told me if I call them a third time they will notify the landlord and the landlord will have no choice but to evict them. Well I called the police twice and they moved and guess what? New neighbors with a little boy is now living next door and he's the same way...Only he's on medication...Talk about being punished.
get the police involved so that you can get a legal track og actual commplaits made

when ever they are outside being a nuisance and you believe you are at risk then call the cops

so that if a fatel accident where to happen you will have the law on your side

however if you are just one of those miserable loners that just like complaining about other people actually living their lives, then i suggest you move to the foest where no one will bother you!Problems with neighbours?
If you can show negligence or failure to act on a reported problem, yes. The neighbors causing the problem also should be sued. Always document incidents, get police reports, when you have called them, and take photos of the activities in question and damages. Contact a lawyer and have him explain your options.
you cannot take the housing association to court for someone else injuring you. you can sue the people that resulted in your injury for personal compensation.

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