Thursday, January 19, 2012

Would Tim Pawlenty been a better choice than Palin?

I am a Democrat and will be voting Obama. (In the interest of full disclosure.)

I remember being afraid that McCain was going to choose Tim Pawlenty as his running mate. I thought Pawlenty was the logical choice.

I was pleasantly surprised that he chose Palin instead.

Tim Pawlenty would have brought a lot to the McCain ticket. He would have got the religious right because he is a born again Christian. He has LOTS of foreign policy experience--he has been to Bosnia, Kosovo, Iraq, Poland, China. He was chariman of the National Governor's association. He is a good family man. Loves to watch football. A lawyer. A good debater. Is bright and articulate, AND WAS LOYAL TO JOHN McCAIN FROM DAY ONE in this election.

I am sure he was supremely disappointed and maybe even surprised that McCain passed him up in favor of Palin, who, face it, doesn't have the "chops" that Pawlenty has.

Do you think McCain should have chosen Pawlenty instead?

Pawlenty was THE ONLY VP candidate that had me worried.

I welcome your comments. Thanks.Would Tim Pawlenty been a better choice than Palin?
Logic is not behind the campaign. Money is. Always.

Unless Pawlenty is anti abortion, that would not have gotten James Dobson's money behind McCain.

Big oil is behind McCain and the Republicans. Palin "stood up to big oil". Are you surprised that a recent valid news story now states that Palin NOW will follow the party platform, which is AGAINST windfall profit tax? Get Palin out of Alaska, and they'll quietly stop taxing Alaska oil. Very simple. Already announced.

Let's not mention thinking that women were dumb enough that they would vote for ANY WOMAN, just to prove they could.

McCain was (is) losing. The strategists and money told him who to pick. They failed to vet her, or thought they could bury Troopergate.

Again.. they picked on the basis of ambition and winning. Not who was good for the country.


in case you don't believe me on the oil angle.
Anyone would've been a been a better choice than Palin. I think Palin was a choice McCain chose to re-energize the party for the convention and it did succeed. But now, people are beginning to see the consequences of his choice. I wish she'd focus on some issues rather than attack the opposition. We don't have time for this.Would Tim Pawlenty been a better choice than Palin?
Republicans are trying to grab demographics again, so he chose Pahlin to get the disgruntled Hillary vote. We'll see if that pans out. Hopefully Americans will make a more educated vote this time around and not elect someone because of minor issues like Gay marriage. Thanks conservative bible belt rednecks, thanks for getting us in debt even more, and thanks for your support for invading a country that had nothing to do with 911 or Osama Bin Laden, but everything to do with crippling the U.S.
Pawlenty would have at least been a reasonable choice, however I don't think he would have been enough for people to overlook McCain and the fact that his administration would be an extension of the failed Bush administration. Would Tim Pawlenty been a better choice than Palin?
Paris Hilton would have been a better choice than Palin.
Howdy Doody would have been a better choice than Palin.
Maybe so.

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